Saturday, January 10, 2015

Life is a crapshoot....part 1

So, here it is 2015 and it is hard to believe how quickly time passes. I looked back at my previous posts and had to laugh. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Since my last post so much has changed and conversely so much has stayed the same. I did  finish “principal school” and did change jobs. I now work for Auburn University and a whole new world has opened up. My boys are both in high school (10th and 12th grades) and the twins are 11 years old. Chris and I will celebrate 23 year of happily married bliss in June πŸ˜„and last but definitely not least…..I still have my same best friends and have added some new ones along the way.
*** on the downside side ~my lack of ability to spell has only gotten worse and the “no replacement found” message is a frustratingly constant reminder…. But as usual, I digress!!!

As I reflect on my life there is one BIG that thing that is clearly apparent is this…… life is a crap shoot!!!

When I was in my 20’s I wasn't sure what life had in store for me, but I felt pretty confident it was going to be exciting. And for the most part, I was right. I have always existed in this gray area which is impossible to define. Questions that should be simple to answer in a word (or at least a short phrase) requires me to impart an epic novel…. And in this fast paced world… Ain't nobody got time for that! When people ask me things like “Where are you from?” or “How many kids do have?” my answer is “it's complicated…” Such is my life!

I am just a typical American who has lived a simple but extraordinary life. When you are born at “The Holy Name of Jesus” hospital (which still exists but sadly has had a name change) in the Deep South on April Fool’s Day no less, you’ve got believe that faith and humor and preordained to be the cornerstone in your life…. And it has turned out to be true.

Being born the 5th child with a major age gap between myself and my siblings shaped my unique perspective by  providing me with an unusual  upbringing of living in a house full and kids as well as living as a only child. My first memories are those of living in a house full of teenagers …..full of life and laughter. Our house on Taylor road was the hangout for all and I was everyone's baby sister and often times, the source of entertainment. When I tell my own kids the stories of those times my oldest son, Payne always says “I guess that was way before DHR was invented…. things were way different in the dark ages”. But I wouldn't change it for anything. These stories alone could be a book…but that is a different story for a different day.

We then moved to Ohio were I made MANY friends (who are still my friends today) especially Missy and Jill…. who have shaped my life in ways that can't be put into words.

Two years later, we relocated again, across the pond to Northern Ireland. Talk about culture shock!!! I was this dorky, lanky 13 year old from Alabama (with a dash of Ohio thrown in the mix) with no clue what was going to happen next.. I must admit the transition was not easy, but at that point the old saying “ life is not fair…. Fair is where you eat funnel cakes and ride Ferris wheels...” took on a whole new meaning. (In my defense, there was no such things as a PC and the Internet and I felt like I was cut off from the world  and all my friends ….and I WAS 13 which is not an easy age no matter where you live). But I did make friends and had so many good times. Going to Banbridge Academy in the 3rd and 4th form was beyond challenging and I can't even imagine what my teachers thought…. But again, I learned SO many valuable lessons that shaped my perspective and outlook on the world.
**** side note~the one thing that I never did adjust to was the weather. It was dark most of the winter (which I did not enjoy) but light most of the summer ( well into the nighttime hours….which I did enjoy) and cold, at least  to me, year round…..  But the rain almost did me in!!!  I'm sure my NI friends would have just as much trouble adjusting to the heat and humidity hereπŸ˜„πŸ˜„

One of my favorite things from that time was that our school offered a ski trip… To Bulgaria. You have to keep in mind that this was in 1981-ish  and the whole Cold War thing was in its heyday. So, off we go! When we landed in Bulgaria, apparently they weren't expecting a lone American to be in this group of British school children. The custom comrades were none to happy and told our teacher chaperones that I was not going to be allowed in the country! I will never forget the look of panic on the faces of my teachers (being an educator myself, I can imagine what those poor teachers were feeling….). They were making plans to put me on the next flight back to Belfast but the problem was that there wasn't another flight for a week. After what seemed like forever (and calls to comrades higher up) they finally allowed me to stay with some restrictions. The ski resort that we were staying at had a tower at the the top of the mountain with a restaurant…… actually, the only accessible restaurant while skiing. I was not allowed to go into the structure because not only did it house the restaurant but it was the communication hub. I guess they were worried that I was an undercover secret agent. So everyday day at lunch I just hung out by the doors and my friends would bring me food. And it didn't bother me one bit! I had the best time and thought nothing of it. In fact, I went back the next year with the school (which got pre-approval from the government ahead of time). Looking back, I'm guessing they probably had their own spies watching me 24/7 πŸ˜„ Yet again, I digress.

I haven't even gotten to the main point of this post and I getting bored….so I will stop here and continue later. I doubt there is anyone who is still reading this, but I swear I did have a real point in mind…. Until next timeπŸ˜„πŸ˜„


  1. You never cease to amaze me! I feel there is a novel in you - maybe a cross between Big Fish and A Prayer for Owen Meany- but it would be a novel about an amazing life well lived! Write on. I'm reading!
